Thursday, January 7, 2010

new blog location / silver the cat

Silver 16x16"

I'm switching from doing my blog on my two individual websites separately to finally just doing one and linking my sites to it! This should save me the trouble of writing two separate (yet identical) blogs on two different sites. Well, actually it's three sites as I also have a Facebook Art Page. Life is all about saving time now as I'm busy enough with my painting!

Today I'm driving into Victoria to drop off my latest pet portrait - Silver the cat! He's the feline brother of Olive the chihuahua who I did a portrait of last month. I was so happy to do a cat portrait - not very many cat owners seem to want a painting of their cat, unlike dog owners. I wonder why that is? But it was a lot of fun to paint Silver. Interestingly, I have found cat portraits a bit more challenging that the dogs. Maybe it's because of the short fur with lots of variations in it, which means more detail to paint.

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